Happy International Women’s Day (IWD) from all of us at Equus Software! Today we come together to promote women’s equality and achievements across the globe and here at Equus. This year’s theme #EmbraceEquity challenges us to look more closely at how we can practice and encourage equity in the workplace and beyond. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the resources and opportunities needed to attain equality. Equity is about treating everyone fairly, which in turn leads to equality.
While women account for over half of the workforce they hold fewer than 20% of leadership positions in the technology industry. According to Zippia, 39% of women in tech identify gender bias as an obstacle to getting promoted. By embracing equity we can create long-term change towards more equitable business practices and provide equal opportunities. Equus is committed to maintaining an equitable work environment and empowering our team to be leaders in their space.
An Interview With The Women Of Equus
We are honored to have many talented women at Equus in a wide range of positions, departments and leadership roles. In honor of International Women’s Day and this years theme #EmbraceEquity we have put the spotlight on some of our female colleagues to find out what IWD means to them. Keep reading to see what they have to say below.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
“I come from a family of strong, hardworking, and opinionated women – and have been fortunate to have met many others throughout my life. It’s the stories, influence, and support of these woman that inspire me. So, on this day, I celebrate them, and reflect how far women have come – even just in my lifetime. And, as women continue to make change, I think it’s important to remember to support each other. We can use this holiday as a reminder of the power we have as women when we join forces and work together to break down barriers and make positive change for the future.” – Mandy Hawks, Director of Marketing

As a female leader, what has been the most significant barrier in your career? Have you been confronted with gender-related roadblocks in your career?
“Gen-X children were still brought up in the age of girls do X while boys do Y. In the workplace, in order to progress it was expected that you were as good if not better than your male counterparts, especially in professional services, which were almost entirely led by men. I have worked in teaching, generalist HR, Global Mobility – all female dominated areas – and now technology; but looking back, I’ve never had a female ‘big’ boss. Having a senior female boss or mentor would have brought a new dimension of support and experience to my early career, so I always want to offer that opportunity to young women around me.”
– Vicki Marsh, SVP Solutions Consulting

How can we encourage and better support women to pursue senior leadership roles in their careers?
“There are many valuable things we can do. The two that I benefited greatest from during my career are: Offer flexible work arrangements such as part-time work, job sharing, and remote work because women generally bear greater child/elder care responsibilities. We should also remove the stigma, if exists, of men taking on primary caregiving roles. The second is to establish a mentorship program for women starting early in their careers to provide them a community of support. A culture of mentoring and coaching gives everyone a chance to develop leadership and bring up others.” – Vickie Lau, VP of Tax Solutions

In what ways do you embrace equity in the workplace?
“I have the unique pleasure of talking to people from all over the world. No matter the country or culture, I am enhanced by every interaction and conversation I have. DE&I is at the forefront of our global company. We not only respect and honor our colleagues but we utilize technology to celebrate them regularly and empower our employees to be their very best. It’s an amazing time to be part of a global community.”
– Teresa Bagby, Talent Manager

Why do you think it’s important to celebrate international women’s day?
“I’m incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by strong women; my mother, my sisters, and my friends. I would not be who I am today or achieved what I have without each of them, and everything I have learnt from and with them. Three generations ago women weren’t allowed to open their own bank accounts, and had to rely on their fathers or husbands for everything. And I sit here today with a roof over my head that’s all mine. This could only happen thanks to the women who have fought for our rights in years gone by, and continue to do so in ways big and small.” – Mahima Khurana, Client Solutions Manager

Based on your experience, what advice would you give to women entering the tech industry?
“It may be challenging and intimidating to enter a new industry. The most important thing is to have confidence in your own abilities and not restrict yourself to your past experiences. Be confident that you’re capable of carrying out the job! It will be challenging at first, so don’t be ashamed to acknowledge when you don’t know something and seek for help or for others to share their expertise. Asking questions doesn’t indicate lack of knowledge; it indicates a desire to learn.” – Kathlyn Aquino, Senior Integration Analyst

What does the IWD slogan #EmbraceEquity mean for you in your work life?
“To me #EmbraceEquity means that everyone is being treated fair. It is not about giving everyone the same thing but understanding that we are not the same, that everyone has different circumstances, background etc. and providing them the opportunities they need to be successful.” – Daria Rodrigues, Quality Assurance Engineer
Equus Software is delighted to celebrate International Women’s Day 2023 and this year’s theme #EmbraceEquity. We can all work to #EmbraceEquity in tech and across all industries and spaces to create equal opportunities for women everywhere.