Compliant Business Travel: Identify, Track and Manage Business Travelers and Posted Workers with Pinpoint
Get compliant business travel on the convenance of your own mobile device with the mobile PinPoint App.
Business travel can be hectic and hard to track for both mobile employees and the global mobility professionals that support them. Touch downs and hotel check-ins in multiple cities while focusing on work makes business travel busy for your mobile employees. An employee might have a meeting in Shanghai, but then be called to present in London. A destination that was not pre-planned the next day.
However, understanding where your mobile employees are at all times and maintaining an accurate record of their travel is extremely important. The number one reason to know where your employees are at all times is in case of an emergency or disaster event. You will need to notify your employee immediately of the emergency and what their next steps should be to stay safe.
Tax and Immigration
The second paramount reason to keep track of your mobile employees is for tax and immigration compliancy. Cross-border business travel can trigger personal income tax obligations, as well as withholding and reporting obligations your organization. Noncompliance with applicable tax and other laws may raise risks for the organization and the employee

Treaties between different countries can make social security tax compliance more complex. Because they vary based on where your traveler is coming from and where they are going to. For example, all European Union countries have an agreement where if someone goes from point A to B within the EU, they can keep paying A social security taxes for 24 months, but then they have to start paying B. However, if someone were to travel from the US to South Korea, this would be a 5 year period.
A simple way to track employee travel; past, present, and future, is with the PinPoint mobile app. Mobile Employees can ‘check-in’, via GPS prompt or manual input, when they land at their destination. So you always know where they are to keep them safe. The app also tracks tax and immigration compliancy, notifying employees and global mobility teams of risks.
The PinPoint Travel Calendar mobile application simplifies tracking travel for frequent business travelers. It also helps companies remain compliant with complex tax and immigration laws.
Download the app for Android or iOS Here! or click Here for more information on Pinpoint.
Safe travels from your friends at Equus Software!