The 2018 Equus Client Conference has been a great success! It’s been an action packed couple weeks with both of our client conferences wrapping up in London and Denver. The energy at both events was contagious so I wanted to share some of my key highlights from the 2018 Equus Client Conference for those of you who might have missed it.
Core flex benefit options are here
One session I found extremely interesting was, “Simplifying the Employee Experience through Flexibility.” Featuring our client JP Morgan Chase, this session provided real, actionable information on how to provide flexible options for the mobile employees while still offering core benefits.
Learn more about our new Core Flex features in AssignmentPro.
Skilling up for the future
Working in software, it’s no surprise that when I think about the Future of Global Mobility, I generally think in terms in technology and automation advancements. However, the session, “Skilling up the GM Workforce of the Future,” shed a new light for me on the skills and roles needed to support a digitalized program of the future. Alan Bell, along with Michelle Fertig of Deloitte, led an interactive and compelling workshop that explored the new skills and roles that mobility teams will need to adapt to succeed, such as data scientist, ecosystem curator, experience designer, and more.
You can read the full Deloitte report here, or check out the visual illustration of the sessions key findings below.
All the buzz
It’s so awesome to see all of our clients together! For many it’s like a reunion, for others it’s a great place to make some valuable connections. Whatever the case it’s clear, our clients have a passion for global mobility and a desire to learn more and innovate together! The breaks and receptions are some of my favorite times at our conferences. I hear the best tips, success stories and out-of-the-box ideas when I’m out talking with clients – the value is immeasurable. They think so too!
“I found the conference topic to be very relevant to what the future holds for Global Mobility. It was a very well thought out and planned conference. Probably one of the best I have attended in a while.”
“Excellent conference. So well organized, informative, interactive and beautiful venue.”
“As a new client it was a very impressive and valuable experience!”
Having finally caught up from the last couple weeks of client conferences, it’s time to think about our plans for next year! It was a great event and I look forward to seeing all our clients again next year!