Take Control of Compensation and Payroll
A complete solution, from compensation package creation to payroll instructions and pay statements.
Manage global payroll and compensation with confidence.
Our Platform manages global compensation for hundreds of clients around the world -
and we've been doing it for more than 20 years.
Accurately track all mobility expenses with ease.
- Collect and track all employee mobility expenses.
- Compare employee payroll instructions with actual payments.
- Track mobility payments to ensure compliance.
- Compare actual costs against predefined budgets.
- View the total costs of your program in totality or broken out by category, such as; country, policy, line of business, etc.
End-to-end compensation & payroll management.
- Create balance sheets and pay packages with one click.
- Calculate hypothetical and actual tax.
- Push packages to employees and managers via portals.
- Create payroll instructions and payroll files en masse.
- Manage salary review with group recalculations and adjustments.
- Report pay to primary, secondary and shadow location(s).
- Integrate/upload payroll results for compensation accumulation.
A complete solution for total control.
Take Control of Your Organization's Global Success
Get your entire mobile workforce moving with one, comprehensive platform.